Reflecting on 9/11 and remembering those we lost, I decided to share my thoughts and Zentangle on this day last year. Never forget…

Tangled Tranquility

Hope around the edges“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children.” –President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001

Each year, on this date, I relive those awful moments in time.  Even though so many years have passed, I cry each time even though I am not one to cry easily.  I never watch news footage of that day, it is just too much for me.  I feel the same way about Hurricane Katrina.  This year, I broke with that and watched the interview President Bush gave to National Geographic about his thoughts and actions that day.  It was an interesting insight into the transformation of our…

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